Who We Are.

Rahway River Trout Unlimited is one of the newest New Jersey Trout Unlimited chapters. We are an organization of men and women that strive to protect our cold freshwater fisheries throughout the state. Our members meet once a month, discuss many topics from conservation to fishing. We also go on fishing trips throughout the year, conduct river cleanups, host fly tying events, and partake in many other activities. If you like fishing or just want to give back to the environment then RRTU is for you. So tell a friend, come on out and enjoy yourself, learn a few new things, meet some new fishing buddies, and perhaps even consider joining our Trout Unlimited Chapter - #155. We meet at the Cranford Community Center for our General meetings and Fly tying nights.

Friday, October 19, 2012

RRTU 2013 Meeting Guest Speakers

As a young chapter the difficulties in making ends meet is a challenge. RRTU's largest expense is the guest speakers for our monthly meetings. So in 2013 we are going to try something a little different  we are developing our own in-house speakers.

Looking at our membership we realized that there is a lot of talent just sitting there at each meeting, so why not have our own people step up to the podium and share some of their expertise and experiences.

So this past Wednesday Christopher Klopsis did just that with a very good and informative presentation on fishing the Salmon River in New York.

Next month George Lechner will share his experiences fishing wild trout streams in New Jersey and the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania. If you are a follower of his blog you know you will be in for a special treat.


We are also looking to provide our in-house speakers to other TU chapters in the state at no charge.
We hope this will foster an exchange program where their in-house speakers will come to our meeting and share in the expertise and experiences as well.

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